Bipedal Esther

Esther is a fine bean. A bean who bears no resemblance to her sister. Esther is a chair climbing, stair scaling, quad bike riding mentalist. Esther has already shown more appetite for physical exertion in her short existence than Nancy, even atop a bicycle, has ever, and, potentially will ever, show. Quite how this has happened, who knows? We assumed they'd be the same. But there are radically, wonderfully different. But despite Nancy proclaiming she is "sick" of Esther, they are rather a splendid double act - Esther is convinced of her own comic genius while Nancy is equally convinced of her own comedic timing so when both are combined they end up laughing. A lot.  Which is rather splendid but does mean that dinner time can end up being a bit of challenge as they both compete to do the more ridiculous thing. Esther tends to just rock back and forth with her mouth open laughing at things unknown. Which is sub-Jim Davidson in terms of comic sophistication but is surprisingly hard to resist, 

Esther, like her sister with a bicycle, is on the cusp of walking. She has mastered the fundamental aspects of walking and she can take a fair number of steps (often in excess of 10) without returning to earth via her bum. But whereas before, this re-entry would hasten her return to crawling now she is determined to walk and egad walk she will. Her verticality is rather surprising and makes her seem rather more elderly than she did when confined to all fours, and once she is fully able to walk and then run, the possibilities are endless. Particularly given her desire for extreme physical activity. We used to be so peaceful but a free moving Esther promises to make things far more exciting / stressful.

Luckily, Esther does share something in common with her sister. She listens all the time and understands just about everything. And she has an uncanny ability to identify sugary, unhealthy things among nice healthy food and won't be denied it. Where Nancy could be distracted or pacified, Esther is immovable once she has worked out that she is not getting the good stuff. How we will overcome this, who knows. but she is stubborn bugger.


Stunt Esther


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