It's only just July

 Dang and blast it. The team here Duomo towers have missed June by a day. It was packed month full of Birthdays, Mungo, once a key part of the media empire, having turned 10. The wider media empire is moving from London to Bath to enjoy a different pace of life and try and it Mexico. ANd loads of other stuff happened which robbed me of the chance to recount the last 30 days.

There have been two visits from the tooth fairy with Esther channelling her inner Craig Burley as shown off by the top picture, there has been some gaps to fill in her wokeness (when running through what the acronym LGBTQ, we asked Esther was she thought lesbians were and she came back with "black people." We're working on that, though to be fair we did have to defer giving her a useable definition of "queer" so we can't be too smug).

As you can see below she remains at the cutting edge of fashion, the unicorn onesie with wide brimmed straw hat being a very strong look the brings to mind Dexy's Midnight runners reborn in Dalston. And she remains a fraught little beast capable of being tremendously emotional even when upbraiding others for being overly emotional too. It can be a bit exhausting but amongst all this she very good fun -  though not to be trusted when given a hose.

And after much faff and piddle, she now has a passable, tuneless whistle. Self taught and selfless in applying it to all situations it really is the gift that keeps on giviing. Happily this blog remains a silent affair.



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