Corporate Reporting Cycle Q1 2019 - Performance Dashboard
Ah. SOme nice easy pre-prepared bloggable material! Her is, as always copied out verbatim, is Esther's performance report as she exits Woodlands Nursery. It's all rather joyous. Doubles all round.
General Comments
Esther you have such a passion for learning, You are always happy to take part in activities. you think deeply about conversations and topics covered in Blue Room
and are confident to provide your own thoughts and predictions. This year you have shown real determination in your creative work and your writing,
watched you practise the letters in your name over and over until you could complete it. You also love the outdoor environment and I've enjoyed our
many conversations about your time at Forest School. I remember when you and your friends Barney,Jack and Lyra set up a camping role play in the garden using
crates as seats and you collected natural resources to recreate a bonfire. I was really impressed by your fire starting technique of rubbing two sticks together , but thought your suggestion of siphoning some petrol out of a nearby car was perhaps excessive. Well done on a fantastic year in Blue room!
and are confident to provide your own thoughts and predictions. This year you have shown real determination in your creative work and your writing,
watched you practise the letters in your name over and over until you could complete it. You also love the outdoor environment and I've enjoyed our
many conversations about your time at Forest School. I remember when you and your friends Barney,Jack and Lyra set up a camping role play in the garden using
crates as seats and you collected natural resources to recreate a bonfire. I was really impressed by your fire starting technique of rubbing two sticks together , but thought your suggestion of siphoning some petrol out of a nearby car was perhaps excessive. Well done on a fantastic year in Blue room!
Social Care
Esther you are very sociable and love to play as part of a group of friends to develop your imaginative play ideas. You have many different interests and play
independently in all areas of Blue Room. Esther you are an active learner and learn best when you get hands-on experience. You have a very positive attitude
to your learning and can talk confidently to others about all the things you can do by yourself. Esther you are good friend and have made strong attachments to the
grown-ups and children in Blue Room, but your efforts to start a card school with some of the children, sometimes ending in your taking possession of their lunch and items of clothing, is something we're working to overcome. You have a wide circle of friends and are also comfortable choosing activities to do alone. Sometimes when you have tricky moments in your play, you may need support from the grown-ups to help you speak up and tell others that they are doing something that is upsetting you.
independently in all areas of Blue Room. Esther you are an active learner and learn best when you get hands-on experience. You have a very positive attitude
to your learning and can talk confidently to others about all the things you can do by yourself. Esther you are good friend and have made strong attachments to the
grown-ups and children in Blue Room, but your efforts to start a card school with some of the children, sometimes ending in your taking possession of their lunch and items of clothing, is something we're working to overcome. You have a wide circle of friends and are also comfortable choosing activities to do alone. Sometimes when you have tricky moments in your play, you may need support from the grown-ups to help you speak up and tell others that they are doing something that is upsetting you.
Esther you are good at listening to others in 1: 1 conversations and in bigger groups. You really enjoy listening to stories, you can talk about the characters and the settings and events and you love to tell me which ones you have at home. You use lots of words in your play with friends, to invent roles, recreate experiences and make up stories. Occasionally, though your verbal dexterityonfiden can land you in trouble - when particularly frustrated you can resort to using war time language that is sometimes inappropriate (describing your group of friends as "cads of the most unscrupulous kidney" was most upsetting) You are very confident to speak up at group times to ask questions and share your thoughts and Ideas with others. Sometimes though, you need to think about how your confidence and natural charisma can impact on others - persuading your friends Scipio and Apple to feed you grapes and massage your feet, was perhaps, going too far. Esther you show really good understanding of what others are saying to you. You can respond to questions and follow instructions such as the ones given by the teacher in yoga sessions.
Play and Socials
Esther you love spending time playing and exploring in the garden with your friends. You move confidently and independently in the outdoor space. climbing
and swinging on the monkey bars. You really don't mind the weather and always make sure you put your coat on when it's cold or wet. Inside, you are very interested in making and modelling with recycled materials and you control scissors and other tools confidently and safely. You really enjoy cooking and baking and always hold your knife safely as you chop fruit and vegetables. E
and swinging on the monkey bars. You really don't mind the weather and always make sure you put your coat on when it's cold or wet. Inside, you are very interested in making and modelling with recycled materials and you control scissors and other tools confidently and safely. You really enjoy cooking and baking and always hold your knife safely as you chop fruit and vegetables. E
Esther you spend a lot of time mark making and hold your pencil in a tripod grasp, which allows you to create lovely detailed pictures of your family. You are very interested writing and can write your own name and other letters. Esther you are very independent in your self-care and understand how to keep yourself safe as you play and transport materials around the nursery.
Esther you love listening to stories and I sometimes see you reading books independently or with friends. In story group sessions you have drawn your own story maps to retell familiar tales such as The 3 Little Pigs and Jack and the Beanstalk. You are also confident to write your own stories. Esther, you are very
Interested in letters and the sounds they make. You can hear the sounds in some words and enjoy phonics listening games such as Silly Soup and playing with
rhymes. During Marvellous Mark Making sessions you like to make detailed pictures of your family, you can write your own name and are confident to talk to others
about your pictures in our show and tell slot. You have even written your own learning story.
Interested in letters and the sounds they make. You can hear the sounds in some words and enjoy phonics listening games such as Silly Soup and playing with
rhymes. During Marvellous Mark Making sessions you like to make detailed pictures of your family, you can write your own name and are confident to talk to others
about your pictures in our show and tell slot. You have even written your own learning story.
Esther you are very confident with numbers and counting and I hear you using lots of mathematical language in your pretend play at the water tray and in the mud kitchen, At group time you can estimate how many children you think are sitting on the carpet. We like to call these 'Esther estimates!' When we count everyone you can say the number that is one more. You can compare groups of items and say when quantities are the same. Esther you are interested in shapes and have spent time creating Transient Art which involves making patterns and arrangements using collections of natural objects. You also spend time with your friends building boats or cars with large wooden blocks to use in your pretend play. I remember the amazing house you and Barney constructed in the garden
using all the crates
using all the crates
Other Stuff
Esther you enjoy lots of special times with family, such as your trip to the Isle of Wight on a ferry. and are confident to recall these and talk about them to others
at group time. You are interested in the natural world and had a great time on our visits to the Farm and Bruce Castle. You enjoy helping in the garden, looking after
the plants and looking for bugs and insects. You watched the duck eggs closely for signs of hatching and then showed care and respect for the ducklings when you handled them, but then telling the class about how foie gras is made, while precocious, wasn't well received by your peers. When you mix ingredients in cooking activities you can talk about the changes you see happening. Esther, you are confident to use an ipad the SMART board to play maths games and an ipad to take pictures.
at group time. You are interested in the natural world and had a great time on our visits to the Farm and Bruce Castle. You enjoy helping in the garden, looking after
the plants and looking for bugs and insects. You watched the duck eggs closely for signs of hatching and then showed care and respect for the ducklings when you handled them, but then telling the class about how foie gras is made, while precocious, wasn't well received by your peers. When you mix ingredients in cooking activities you can talk about the changes you see happening. Esther, you are confident to use an ipad the SMART board to play maths games and an ipad to take pictures.
Art and Design
Esther you love craft and creative activities and spend lots of time cutting and sticking and making things using recycled materials. You have explored a range of
different materials in Blue Room including play dough, Modroc and clay and really enjoy cooking and baking activities. Esther you enjoyed singing Christmas carols
with Angeline and exploring the different sounds you could make on drums and with percussion instruments. You have a strong interest in imaginative role-play
with your friends and enjoy dressing up and representing your own experiences in pretend play, such as preparing a tea party or going on holidays.
Esther you love craft and creative activities and spend lots of time cutting and sticking and making things using recycled materials. You have explored a range of
different materials in Blue Room including play dough, Modroc and clay and really enjoy cooking and baking activities. Esther you enjoyed singing Christmas carols
with Angeline and exploring the different sounds you could make on drums and with percussion instruments. You have a strong interest in imaginative role-play
with your friends and enjoy dressing up and representing your own experiences in pretend play, such as preparing a tea party or going on holidays.
Future Objectives
Esther, we will support the transition to your new school and take you to visit your new classroom at Chestnuts.
We will continue to support your social and emotional development and encourage you to speak out and tell others when they are hurting your feelings.
Esther, we will continue to encourage your love of reading and stories and help prepare you for school in September.
And here to accompany the report are some photographs.
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