Esther egg hunt

Esther enjoyed Easter muchly. She celebrated the arrival of the wisemen by eating her own body weight in choclit and being joyous. Esther has risen and more importantly she has a place in school, starting in September. I hope they are a ready - any child who can inadvertently cartwheel off a chair, fail to remember any names ever but knows the square root of 81 is going to pose some serious jolly challenges.

She continues to demonstrate an unparalleled verbal dexterity, driven by a cheekiness that is on some level genetic,- threatening to give me what for or calling me a rascal - which again bodes well for her school career but alongside all this faffery is really rather good at writing and her reading, while erratic, gets ever better. Frankly, I think she'd much rather watch paw patrol or PJ Masks but that is a moot point - she is a enthusiastic bean. Some of that enthusiam needs to be contained - earlier today she was insistent that she be allowed to whittle a face onto her stickman with a knife. A knife. A long negotiation ensued but to the end she felt hard done by. Maybe when she is a little older. Or never at all given her father's track records with knives. Which isn't good.

She is also a fantastically good boulder climber. Thanks to her Uncle Eli (but she also calls him Nat and Pip depending on what mood takes her) she made her bouldering debut. Boulder has turned into a verb which is good news for Esther as she rather enjoys it - even if it does drive her older sister wild!

Here she is. With thanks to Papa Juancho for the glorious portrait.

Thunder Road


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