It was a very good year

Esther is nearing the end of her time in Green Room and is the tradition, I've transposed her final report verbatim for delectation. Any interference and or errors are doubtless the result of Russia interference and sedition. 

Esther you are a confident little girl with a lot to say and with a full agenda on what you want to do!
You have maintained a lovely bond with me Esther and feel you enjoy confidence doing little tasks with me like printing pictures and photocopying. You settle well in the mornings and we always have some lovely conversations about what you have been up to in the weekend with Mummy. Daddy, Tuve and Nancy.

You have built up a lovely relationship with Barney and the two of you engage in some interesting imaginative play in the garden usually involving lots of transporting and filling up the tepee with cushions and food and boxes and ignoring any attempts to tell you what to do or how to do it. You stubborn strumpet.

You are articulate with your feelings and can tell me what is troubling you and equally what is making you happy! I feel that you are sensitive to the needs of the children and have a good understanding of what might hurt someone's feelings.

Esther, you have a wide range of vocabulary which you use in your play and also to have conversations with adults these conversations can last some time with you being very able to stay on topic about something that is of interest to you. We recently reflected on our time at the farm and you made a book talking me through what you had seen and who you went with-Daddy! you also use language that I'm guessing you have heard maybe from Nancy? And always in the right contextl 'Oh my god this is all tangled upl' and you are confident enough to tell me when you think that something is 'boring' or when someone is a "bumhole" 

You like books and stories and will always choose one for Island Time. You are able to explain what is going on in story as well as suggest alternative endings! You also enjoy taking part in Helicopter Stories where you get to choose the story you want to tell and who you want to be in it and it wouldn't be surprising if you ended up being a minor despot in later life.


  1. This is extremely funny and makes me laugh like Ted Heath.


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