bornholm bornholm Bornholm

This blog rather fell into disarray over summer months, leaving you with none of my precious words but all of the pictures. It was frankly in chaos, the whole project teetered on the edge, falling into that most unpleasant of purgatories, that of the  failed blog.

But the fight back starts here. No more gadding about or letting our dear readers down. We're on it. Once and for all
So what to report? Esther has fully mastered English, albeit with dodgy pronunciation, and has also mastered her will and how to exert it. Which leads to exchanges like this....

Esther:'I'm not helping'
Nancy: 'Why not?'
Esther:'Because no means no'

This leads to some displeasure. And Esther is a fine mimic, and will regularly upbraid Nancy but copying her parents. Which also leads to displeasure. But when there isn't displeasure twixt them both Nancy and Esther can play delightfully. Mostly on the topic of bums. Esther remains besotted with her cousin Gary who she formed a proto anarchist cell with, again focused on bums. But was jolly lovely.

Esther is also benefiting from the second child dividend which means that she has eaten like an ice cream glutton in a way that Nancy was never allowed to at the same age. She is also obsessed with tasting everyone's ice cream on a rotating basis to check for quality and ensure she had not been hard done by. Which is both lovely and frustrating all at once.


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