Esther the Molester
Esther is, to use the language of the day, reaching peak Esther. She has reached that swaggering, stumbling mumbling age of the animal sounds, shouting, hollering and tottering than makes her essentially horribly lovely. Alas, this does have a darkside - she has a European approach to breast feeding which teeters on being, frankly, Dutch. She bestrides her mother and jealously guards her mother's breasts whilst grazing upon them like a particularly greedy grazing cow. It's rather astounding to watch, oblivious to the privations of her mother. It's like an East German picnic. Quite what will happen when this phase of her life draws to close no one knows but it is likely to be jihadi.
Her physical adventurousness continues to abound - scaling cargo nets, slides, clay walls and frankly anything she can see that might cause her damage if she were to fall off it. The age of Nancy's physical domination is going to draw to a close sooner than anyone might have imagined. Along with this, Esther's animal noises are coming on a treat too. Cows, ducks, cats, lions have all been mastered and snakes, foxes and okapi are not far behind.
Sadly, though she is rather indiscriminate with her use of Mummy and Daddy. Anyone with a pulse and can give her food will qualify as a mummy or daddy. It makes you feel touched. It really does. Happily, however, to accompany this indiscriminate name calling is new found sense of humanity. Thanks to some fine avuncular action her long standing aversion to anyone who isn't her actual mother and father has been broken. Grandparents, godparents can now apprioach her without being deafened by screams or the puce-faced wall of agony. It is quite honestly a revelation. It has meant she can go round the garden with her grandparents, hold the hand of her non-Godfather who had, hitherto been her mortal enemy and also mean that babysitting potential abounds. Well played Craig sir.
Anyway her are some lovely pictures. Of peak Esther.
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