Esther is a relentless thrill seeker. And trouble maker. And scaler of tall things. And an anathema to her parents. From whence does this insatiable desire to seek out new and interesting ways to potential maim herself come? I appreciate she is a second child so her parents are distracted somewhat so climbing up walls and abseiling down stairs is a most excellent tactic but it is getting a bit much. Can't you just stay still for a moment?
When not trying to stop Esther self-harming in increasingly spectacular ways (falling off a patio, climbing up a chest of drawers to gain access to a fish tank to name but two) she is a glorious chide and one that isn't wholly alien to Nancy. Esther has quickly developed a keenness for the written word and I've been returned to the glorious narrative arcs of "Elmer does a Poo" and "Elmer finds his socks" which, while Esther laps them up, lack the all round goodness of reading Roald Dahl. But we can but hope, like Nancy, these are a gateway drug to the good stuff. Before long they will both be reading Bruce Benderson and we'll look back at Elmer as a golden age.
Alongside an increasing appetite for the written word, her understanding of the world (well most of it) grows at an alarming rate, helped no doubt by the patronising patter of her elder sister (Esther, you want a story, yeah? Esther, you want to take my shoes off? Yeah?) and ongoing chatter bog nonsense spouted by her parents. She is very good at handing you a towel when you get out of the shower, bringing you vegetables to peel when commanded to and pooing on the bath mat when you least expect it. Wait scratch that last one.
But perhaps the greatest development is that Esther's head is slowly, oh so slowly, being enshrouded in curly hair. Curly, coppery hair. If it does spread across her bonce, as the curls might yet be a product of the ample sweat that has billowed forth as a result of our recent heat wave, she might well ascend to a level of platonic cuteness not seen outside of the Cave.
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