The Estive Season
Tis the season of horrific over consumption, gout inducing eating habits and Estonian loveliness. Given her relative youth she got a stonking pile of guftlies from many lovely readers of this blog, to whom we say many many thanks.
Inevitably her favourite part was the wrapping paper and stealing/chewing/eating her sister's favourite stuff. Her present tho us were poos of an almost hypnotic quality given their diminutive size. They really are horribly potent. Particularly as she favours the stop drop and roll approach to nappy changing, which means as soon as the nappy is off you are trying to baby wipe a poo smeared whirling dervish. Which means things can end up getting a little German. But there is nowt wrong with that.
Beyond this, she is moving around with increasing speed and ambition, like the Chinese navy, and when the not takes her she can swiftly disappear smirking like a loon. This combined with an uncanny ability to identify her sister's most beloved item can lead to inter-sorroral violence. But generally at a low level and all in excellent humour.
She is increasingly lovely with owl like eyes and a most toothy smile. A two tooth smile in fact and she is already an expert in deploying said teeth to pulp food with a delightful poise. Although she does seem to have developed a taste for parental flesh which means you need to remain constantly vigil in case of minor nips.
Anyway, here is bumper a set of pictures for you to enjoy. Happy new year and enjoy the last of the estive season.
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