A quarter old. That's a bit Blimey

Esther is three months and a day old and remains a most beloved thing. Allied to her sleeping skills, she has become a very very smiley beast. She is, in fact, a random smiling machine. There is no rhyme or reason for her facial peregrinations but they are a source of much wonderment and loveliness to all who behold them. And whilst some are driven by bodily functions, as all the best smiles are, others are conjured from nowhere as she is a very happy little beast.

She continues to grow at a pace that is almost visible to the naked eye and her wrists, once unappended and visible to the world, have been slowly enveloped in that trademark Jessop chud that has rolled down her arms like treacle. They will doubtless return but not for a long time if Nancy's are anything to by. Esther is also getting incrementally more interactive (better than ceefax but a long way from the red button by way of a ponderous analogy) and has developed an iron like grip to grab hold of things and generally cause havoc by holding onto things she has no right to.  

As noted back in March, her ability to burp has progressed nicely and now she can belch so loud that rooms fall silent in awe of her. I'm moved to think that my genetic material has produced such a beast. It really is something to behold. They'd also make a wonderful ring tone if I could capture one. You can dream can't you.


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